Cloud Database Monitoring using SelectStar – Part III

We are looking at SelectStar, the heterogeneous monitoring solution for cloud databases. In the last blog post, you signed up for a free trial account. When you logged on, a screen was displayed asking you to install a “collector” on your on-premise system.  The actual command to install the collector on Linux was displayed, along with the secret key. Your system satisfied the requirements so you decided to go ahead and install, but as soon as you issued the command provided, there was an error about the minimum java version required.

To satisfy this prerequisite, download the latest Java Linux x64 RPM and install as root. The package is on

# rpm -ivh jre-8u131-linux-x64.rpm

Preparing...                ########################################### [100%]
   1:jre1.8.0_131           ########################################### [100%]
Unpacking JAR files...

Now, you can run the main SelectStar command to install the collector. We name the collector as “SaiNathServer1 Collector” and accept the default location /opt/bluemedora.

# SELECTSTAR_SECRET_KEY=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx sh -c "$(curl -fsSl"

Checking prereqs
Install path [/opt/bluemedora]:
Collector name [<hostname> Collector]: SaiNathServer1 Collector
Downloading zip file
######################################################################## 100.0%
Download complete
Extracting to /opt/bluemedora
Archive:  /tmp/
   creating: /opt/bluemedora/frontier-collector/
   creating: /opt/bluemedora/frontier-collector/bin/
  inflating: /opt/bluemedora/frontier-collector/bin/prunmgr.exe 
  inflating: /opt/bluemedora/frontier-collector/bin/prunsrv.exe 
creating: /opt/bluemedora/frontier-collector/collector/lib/
  inflating: /opt/bluemedora/frontier-collector/collector/lib/commons-codec-1.9.jar 
   creating: /opt/bluemedora/frontier-collector/collector/plugins/
   creating: /opt/bluemedora/frontier-collector/collector/plugins/apache_hadoop/
   creating: /opt/bluemedora/frontier-collector/collector/plugins/aurora/
   creating: /opt/bluemedora/frontier-collector/collector/plugins/aws_ec2/
   creating: /opt/bluemedora/frontier-collector/collector/plugins/aws_rds/
   creating: /opt/bluemedora/frontier-collector/collector/plugins/cassandra/
   creating: /opt/bluemedora/frontier-collector/collector/plugins/couchbase/
   creating: /opt/bluemedora/frontier-collector/collector/plugins/dynamodb/
   creating: /opt/bluemedora/frontier-collector/collector/plugins/ibm_db2/
   creating: /opt/bluemedora/frontier-collector/collector/plugins/mariadb/
   creating: /opt/bluemedora/frontier-collector/collector/plugins/microsoft_azure/
   creating: /opt/bluemedora/frontier-collector/collector/plugins/microsoft_sqlserver/
   creating: /opt/bluemedora/frontier-collector/collector/plugins/mongodb/
   creating: /opt/bluemedora/frontier-collector/collector/plugins/mssql_azure/
   creating: /opt/bluemedora/frontier-collector/collector/plugins/mysql/
   creating: /opt/bluemedora/frontier-collector/collector/plugins/oracle_database/
   creating: /opt/bluemedora/frontier-collector/collector/plugins/postgresql/
   creating: /opt/bluemedora/frontier-collector/collector/plugins/redis/
   creating: /opt/bluemedora/frontier-collector/collector/plugins/vmware_vcenter/
   creating: /opt/bluemedora/frontier-collector/extensions/
   creating: /opt/bluemedora/frontier-collector/resources/windows/
  inflating: /opt/bluemedora/frontier-collector/resources/windows/create_windows_service.bat 
  inflating: /opt/bluemedora/frontier-collector/resources/windows/set_windows_environment.bat 
   creating: /opt/bluemedora/frontier-collector/scripts/
  inflating: /opt/bluemedora/frontier-collector/scripts/run_collector.bat 
  inflating: /opt/bluemedora/frontier-collector/scripts/ 
  inflating: /opt/bluemedora/frontier-collector/scripts/ 
Successfully extracted
Starting : frontier-collector
script has finished

Some of the lines have been omitted from the above output for the purposes of clarity. As we can see, the installation has downloaded and inflated a number of plug-ins for the different databases.

The collector processes are now seen to be running on the Linux server:

# ps -aef | grep collector

root     22945     1  0 09:11 pts/0    00:00:03 java -jar -Dlog4j.configurationFile=file:/opt/bluemedora/frontier-collector//config/log4j2.xml -Dfrontier.home=/opt/bluemedora/frontier-collector/ /opt/bluemedora/frontier-collector//launcher/frontier-launcher.jar

root     22996 22945  0 09:11 pts/0    00:00:11 java -Xms64m -Dlog4j.configurationFile=file:/opt/bluemedora/frontier-collector/config/log4j2.xml -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -XX:HeapDumpPath=/opt/bluemedora/frontier-collector/log/collector.heap -XX:+AggressiveOpts -XX:+UseBiasedLocking -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+UseParNewGC -XX:+ExplicitGCInvokesConcurrentAndUnloadsClasses -XX:+UseCompressedOops -jar /opt/bluemedora/frontier-collector/collector/frontier-collector.jar

We can check the size of the collector installation under /opt/bluemedora as follows:

# cd /opt/bluemedora/
# du -hs .
295M         .

Install the tree command via “yum install tree”, and then run this command to get an idea of the directory structure:

# tree -d /opt/bluemedora/

└── frontier-collector
── bin
── collector
── lib
── plugin_runner_v3
    │   │   └── lib
── plugin_runner_v4
    │   │   └── lib
    │   └── plugins
── apache_hadoop
── aurora
── aws_ec2
── aws_rds
── cassandra
── couchbase
── dynamodb
── ibm_db2
── mariadb
── microsoft_azure
── microsoft_sqlserver
── mongodb
── mssql_azure
── mysql
── oracle_database
── postgresql
── redis
    │       └── vmware_vcenter
    │           └── lib
── config
── extensions
── launcher
    │   └── lib
── log
── queue
── resources
── initd
── systemd
    │   └── windows
    └── scripts

39 directories

At this point, if you log in to the SelectStar console as your trial account, you can see that the collector has been accepted and you are now being asked to select the type of database you want to monitor:

We will select the database on our system in the next blog post.


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Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in this blog are entirely the opinions of the writers of this blog, and do not reflect the position of any company. No responsiblity will be taken for any resulting effects if any of the instructions or notes in the blog are followed. It is at the reader's own risk and liability.